
Personal Settings -> Appearance -> Fonts

    General:      Trebuchet MS 10
    Fixed width:  monospace 10
    Toolbar:      Trebuchet MS 10
    Menu:         Tahoma 9
    Window title: Trebuchet MS 10 bold
    Taskbar:      Trebuchet MS 10
    Desktop:      Trebuchet MS 11
    Use anti-aliasing for fonts

Personal Settings -> KDE Components -> Session

    Start with empty session

Clock -> Appearance

    Time:         Sans Serif 8 bold
    Date:         Trebuchet MS 8

Firefox -> Preferences -> Content -> Fonts & Colors -> Advanced

    Proportional: Sans Serif 16
    Serif:        serif
    Sans-serif:   Arial
    Monospace:    monospace 12
    Display res:  96 dpi


    defaultfont=GNU Unifont,12,-1,5,50,0,0,0,0,0

Personal Settings -> Regional & Accessibility -> Input Actions

    New Group ("Pm")
    New Action
      Action name:  firefox
      Action type:  Keyboard shortcut -> Command/Url
      Keyboard Shortcut: F12
      Command/Url Settings -> Command/Url to execute
        firefox $(xclip -o)

smart mirrors: ->
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Page last modified on April 07, 2007, at 09:05 PM